chris bergman superintendent

Dear Community Members, 

January was filled with snow and ice, and this week feels like a heatwave. As we move into the month of February, students, staff, administrators, and other stakeholders are busy advocating for success in many ways. 

Here are a just a few: 

Al Exito is for Everyone 

B-K is re-launching Al Exito. We had an excellent first meeting! We had 20 students show up and fully participate. Students all shared they want to join to further their academic goals, receive extra support, make new connections, celebrate and teach others about their culture, and have fun. That is exactly the purpose of Al Exito! 

Each student will receive parent permission to participate in this weekly program (Wednesdays After School). Al Exito provides snacks and supplies, and they are working on grants and sponsorships to completely fund the program. Reyna Tapia, who is also on our School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) is leading the charge, and Gabby Guerra from the Des Moines office, is supporting the launch. 

B-K Staff - Celebrating New Roles and Welcoming New Talented Educators 

Myriam Carrillo, who focused on math intervention, shifted her time to primarily English Learner services. As we have shared at past board meetings, our numbers are growing, and our depth of need for serving newcomers has increased. This shift will allow Myriam more time to collaborate with Claudia Guerrero and Tiffany Landrum to best support our students, families and classroom teachers. 

Erin Slifer, a teacher at the Jr.-Sr. High, will be pursuing a Conditional License per Executive Director Decision to serve as our K-12 Talented and Gifted (TAG) teacher. She will have one period per day to serve at each of our schools or as needed, with a flexible schedule and will continue to serve within her current role. 

Lori Eekhoff, a special education teacher at the Jr.-Sr. High, has experience as a public librarian, and per new Iowa law, has the necessary qualifications to serve as our teacher librarian. She will continue to serve her current special education roster while also serving as our PK-12 librarian 2 periods per day. Lori will collaborate with Ene Duran at the elementary to continue the inspiring services already in place at B-K and will strive to grow our library services and collection. 

Bailey Heuton is from Garner and is a December 2023 graduate from Buena Vista (BV) with a degree in Elementary Education and a certification in Special Education. She graduated from Iowa Central Community College before transferring to Buena Vista. Bailey completed her student teaching in second grade with Christine Schultz of Jacobson Elementary and in special

education at Clear Lake. She worked as a paraprofessional at Storm Lake Elementary for two years while attending BV. 

Mary Thompson, a 2020 BK graduate involved in Band, Choir, NHS, Theater and other activities, is serving as a paraeducator at Jacobson Elementary. 

Corrine Pelzer is now a fifth-grade teacher at Jacobson. Last month, Corri graduated from Central College in Pella with a degree in Elementary Education and a K-8 Reading endorsement and coaching certification. She student-taught in 5th grade at Oskaloosa and wrapped up her 2nd grade experience in Pella. 

Safety and Security 

On Wednesday, January 31st, Belmond Police Chief Gamino led our entire staff through professional learning focused on safety. The shared information aligns with messages from the Wright County Sheriff’s Department and current best practice. 

Willow Sweeney 

On January 15th, all staff engaged in professional learning with Willow Sweeney. Her Top 20 message focused on culture and climate in relation to celebrating the gifts each staff member brings to the organization. Her message captured the following reflective questions and ideas: 

What kind of energy are you bringing to work? You are good enough. Do not listen to the outside messages that say you are not. Take responsibility for and discover your true self. 

Focus on you, not others. Be excellent. You can be really effective whether those around you are or are not. You are in control of your ability to work in teams with other individuals. 

Form good habits. Replace bad ones. If you have been doing something for a long time, you get good at it. Practice changing and keeping your thinking positive. Stop wishing to be more effective. Just be more effective. 

Stop blaming. Blame is the most ineffective thing we do. Dishonoring others is not effective. It's the most dysfunctional thing we do. 

Avoid thought and verbal "tornadoes." Complaining produces complaining. It's infectious. People can pile on to negativity. Do your best not to participate. 

Don't be controlled by fear. We all live with fear- of the unknown or that we're not good enough. Just be excellent. Be the problem solver, not the problem namer. 

Consider: What do you really want? Maybe that's what it comes down to: What do you want? More fulfillment, money, prestige, a legacy? What is it that you have to create for yourself? You will be in the workforce a long time. You might as well enjoy it. 

Be nice. Sounds simple enough. Simply try to be enjoyable to be around. And don't fake it. Find a way to be authentically kind to someone else.

Accept reality and change your view. Remember, your work can't be and won't be fulfilling all the time. Find a way to grit through the boring and tough stuff. Find a way for yourself. It is your responsibility, not others, to make something fulfilling. 

Day on the Hill February 13, 2024 

One day at the Capitol—three organizations—one unified voice for public education. For the first time ever, three organizations are uniting for a collaborative Day on the Hill. 

I will be joining my colleagues for a full day of advocating for public schools and student success at the Capitol! Together, the Area Education Agencies (AEA), Iowa School Board Association (IASB) and School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) developed the following joint legislative priorities to guide discussions with legislators: 

Strengthen our educator workforce through increased investments; 

Support students in need with increased preschool funding and stable special education support and 

Sustain essential services for ALL public school students. 

School Improvement Advisory Committee 

Belmond-Klemme School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) 

February 8, 2024: 6:00-7:30 PM 

Location: Jr.-Sr. High, Library 

SIAC Members: Ella Negrete, Griffin Paulsen, Lillyanna Aguilera, Callum Sifert, Barry Huedepohl, Jeff Swenson, Anna Buseman, Kate Nelson, Tate Goeman, Cody Nicholas, John Sifert, Craig Johnson, Patty Reed, Shannon Wadsley, Sarah Nelson, Avante Woolery, Joel Pals, Justin Meyer, Reyna Tapia, Gary Berkland, Mark Young, CKay Jensen, and Chris Bergman 

Planning Team/Facilitators: Kendra Hagen, Justin Meyer, Christine Schultz, Erin Slifer, Chris Bergman, CKay Jensen, and Mark Young 


1. Purpose Review of SIAC 

What is the purpose? 

What are our overarching goals? 

2. B-K Bright Spots 

What do we do well? Celebrating what we are grateful for, proud of, and excited about… 3. B-K Mission and Vision 

What do we desire for all learners? 

4. Foundation of Beliefs 

What do we believe about how to make our mission and vision come to life? 5. Educational Needs 

How does Professional Learning and the school calendar impact student learning? What is our data telling us? 

What do we notice and wonder? 

6. Safety within B-K Schools

What are we doing to address bullying/harassment at B-K? 

How do we address mental, emotional and physical safety at B-K? 

Harassment/Bullying Prevention Goals, Training, and Other Initiatives 

Social Emotional Learning-Top20 

Building/Site Safety 

EXIT Ticket - What lingering questions do you have regarding safety? 

7. Next Meeting Highlights 

What topics will be discussed at our next meeting(s)?) 

Follow-Up Answers to the Last Set of Learning Goals Questions 

Building and Site Safety 

Hiring, Recruiting and Retaining Staff 

Community/Stakeholder Input for Next Steps 


Our school community is striving to continuously improve the student experience. Increasing our academic scores, enhancing critical thinking, and honing communication skills while providing a healthy and safe learning environment are at the forefront of our vision for each student in our district. 

To bring our vision to life, we know the importance of collaborating across a variety of perspectives to meet our district and building goals. Our SIAC exists to help us achieve our goals in district and state-required areas: 

The board of directors of each public school district and the authorities in charge of each nonpublic school shall do the following: Iowa Code 280.12 

1. Appoint a school improvement advisory committee to make recommendations to the board or authorities. The advisory committee shall consist of members representing students, parents, teachers, administrators, and representatives from the local community, which may include representatives of business, industry, labor, community agencies, higher education, or other community constituents. To the extent possible, committee membership shall have balanced representation with regard to race, gender, national origin, and disability. 

2. Utilize the recommendations from the school improvement advisory committee to determine the following: 1. Major educational needs. 

2. Student learning goals. 

3. Long-range and annual improvement goals that include, but are not limited to, the state indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science achievement. 

4. Desired levels of student performance. 

5. Progress toward meeting the goals set out in paragraphs “b” through “d”. 

6. Harassment or bullying prevention goals, programs, training, and other initiatives. 

3. Consider recommendations from the school improvement advisory committee to infuse character education into the educational program. 

Each day, I feel blessed to be a part of the BKCSD. Thank you for your support and care for our students, staff, families, and community. 

Take care, 
