One to One Computer Guidelines and Agreement
As a One-to-One district, all classroom teachers and students in grades K – 12 will have a device assigned to them for use at school. Teachers will store devices assigned to grades K-6 students in the student's classroom, while grades 7-12 students will travel to and from school with their devices each day.
This level of student and teacher access to technology will improve equity and access and transform our in-person learning program by creating new opportunities to engage students in communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.
Student Safety and Access
Students will receive instruction on Internet and email safety along with age-appropriate digital citizenship skills. Topics may include caring for a laptop, online privacy, digital footprint, and media literacy.
Elementary and middle school student email will be limited to communicating with students and teachers within the student's school building and approved educational sites. The district has also established varying levels of developmentally appropriate access to the Internet (in school), Microsoft Teams, Office365, Youtube, and other digital learning tools.
Parents/Guardians are also encouraged to monitor their child's computer use and talk with their child about internet safety and digital citizenship at home. A resource that provides many valuable tips for parents regarding digital citizenship and internet safety is the Common Sense Media website. Common Sense Media is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. You can access the Common Sense Media website using the following link (opens in new window);
Parent and Student Device Use and Care Expectations
I understand that use of school-assigned technology is subject to all Belmond-Klemme policies & rules, and local, state & federal laws
I agree to use my school assigned technology for educational purposes only
I agree to bring my student computer to school each day fully charged.
I acknowledge I am responsible for protecting and appropriately caring for my school-issued technology device and equipment (e.g., cleaning it, not dropping it, not leaving it outdoors, and not using it while eating)
I will not place stickers, use markers, or engrave on any part of my school assigned technology
I will not attempt to repair or modify my Belmond-Klemme issued device
I will report any problems, damage, or loss of my machine, a.s.a.p. to the Director of Technology, Trish Morris, Belmond-Klemme may use location technology to locate missing devices
I agree I will not install, download or use software that Belmond-Klemme does not authorize
I will not remove programs or files from my Belmond-Klemme issued device
I will not attempt to bypass security settings on my device
I understand that all data stored on my Belmond-Klemme assigned device is not private, and my device and files are subject to review by school personnel at any time
I understand when devices are off-site, the Internet may not be filtered and that parents take an active role in keeping the student technology in good working order and the student safe online.
I will return Belmond-Klemme assigned technology and accessories upon the request of Belmond-Klemme or my withdrawal from school.
I assume any financial responsibility for loss or damages not covered by the device warranty or protection plan. I will pay all invoices for damage or loss of a device within seven (7) days of receiving notice of entry on Infinite Campus billing system, unless other arrangements have been made.
In case of damage to the device that would make it inoperable, a loaner laptop or iPad may be given for use until the original device is repaired. In cases of multiple incidences of device damages, students may be required to 1) keep replacement device in school, 2) be required to use paper/pencil method of instruction.
Failure to return a loaner device or pay invoices for damages or loss of equipment may result in loss of student laptop privileges in entirety and being charged for the full replacement of said device.
I give consent for my student to be assigned a student technology device and access and use Google Account, Microsoft Office 365, Youtube, and other software and internet services for educational purposes.