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PPEL – Physical Plant and Equipment Levy

The Belmond-Klemme Board of Education voted to order an election on the question of continuing to levy a voter-approved physical plant and equipment property tax at the August 17th board meeting. The board set Tuesday, November 7, 2023, as the date for a public vote on the renewal of the district’s Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL).

The PPEL levy can be used for many expenditures, including the construction or renovation of buildings, purchasing property, equipment over $500 in value, and energy conservation expenditures.

Since the last renewal, PPEL funding has been instrumental in providing cyber security, safe buses for student transportation, classroom technology needs, and building renovations and repairs.

Below are some  examples in photos of how the PPEL has been utilized for our students and district to continue with the level of excellence to which BK has strived!