heart flying hero

Hello, Jacobson Elementary Families and BK Community!!

I wanted to thank those of you who supported the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart
Challenge that was just completed. We met our goal of $3,000 and went above to a total of

Lyla Heifner, from Mrs. Haugen’s class was the top Heart Hero fundraiser with a total $451.07.
Way to go Lyla!

Many other students were also “Heart Heros” in their effort to collect from people who were able
to help support the American Heart Association. With the funds raised, many exciting things
can and will happen in the areas of research……studies and findings that will impact lives in a
positive and successful way. You are a part of that!!

On behalf of the American Heart Association, once again - THANK YOU for doing your part in
the fight against heart disease and stroke.

Truly Yours,

MaryBeth Bush, Jacobson Elementary PE Teacher