fafsa deadlines

Seniors, Parents & Guardians!   Please Read!

The free application for federal student aid is now open. First you will want to set up an account at www.fafsa.gov if you will be attending college next year.


And as a reminder, if you do decide to take a gap year and wait until 25-26 to attend college, you would not need to fill out FAFSA until this time next year and you would be losing your Barkema Trust Scholarship which was worth $2,000 last year.

What things will you need to have with you when filling out the FAFSA? Great Question, here is an article that outlines the 6 things you will need as a student to complete FAFSA. 



It would be really good to get this completed before Spring Break week!  If you run into any issues or questions you can come see me anytime periods 1-4, 7-8 or ask Kristy Molenkamp on Thursdays in the counseling area.