Iowa Farm Bureau

Mr. Albertson sent out an email to all seniors about a scholarship opportunity available!  Below is the information for students and their households!


Seniors, see info below. Check with your parents to see if they are Wright County Farm Bureau members before applying. There is an online application located at the link.  Let Mr. Albertson know if you need any help.

Wright County Farm Bureau will be offering THREE $500 scholarships to graduating seniors in 2024.  The only requirement is that their parents must be WCFB members.  The checks will be issued to the students upon the successful completion of their first semester of college.

The scholarships can be found at  (They aren’t online yet, they will be in a month or so).  They must be completed online.  WCFB will choose three from the applications to receive $500 and will send one to the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation for consideration to receive one on 27 $1,000 renewable scholarships offered.